The Promised Spirit
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Parting Words Topic: Exposition Passage: John 14:12–24
The Holy Spirit in Isolation
The Holy Spirit in the Story of God
The Role of the Spirit
Empowerment for Mission
Relationship with God
How the Spirit Works
The “Paraclete” / The Spirit of Truth
“Make our home with him”
- Read aloud the text from Sunday (John 14:12-24). Consider reading three verses each until you’re finished. What do you remember most from the teaching on Sunday? Discuss what stood out to you as you read through the passage this time.
- Does the concept of a “personal relationship with Christ” resonate with you? If so, describe what this looks and feels like in your life. If not, does that bother you?
- Discuss the image from Sunday of a helpful boss/physical therapist/coach. Do any of these correspond with your own experience of the Spirit’s work in your life? If not, what might a more fitting image be (be honest)?
- On Sunday, we discussed the role of humanity as “representing God in the world by being in a loving relationship with God.” Discuss this idea. In what ways are representing God and relating to God interconnected? Can you do one without the other?
- Discuss the contexts and rhythms of your own life. Where might God be calling you to represent Him? What might it look like for you to pursue deeper relationship with God in the daily rhythms of your life? Give input to one another.
- End your time by praying for God’s help in representing him and relating to Him by the Spirit. Pray for each other and be specific.
other sermons in this series
Nov 20
I Have Overcome the World
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: John 16:25–33 Series: Parting Words
Nov 13
The Great Reversal
Passage: John 16:16–24 Series: Parting Words
Nov 6
The Promise of the Helper
Speaker: James Fields Passage: John 16:4–15 Series: Parting Words