Life in Community
Series: His Story, Our Story Topic: Exposition Passage: Acts 2:42–47
Their Devotion
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- Read aloud the text from Sunday (Acts 2:42-47). What are some things you remember from the teaching? Was there anything specifically you walked away with wanting to change or do? Why?
- Read Romans 12:9-21. What might the apostle's teaching here look like in our own midst (our discipleship groups, missional communities, Jacob's Well, our neighborhoods and communities)?
- Has there been a time in your life where you experienced the love of the church in the way Acts 2:42-47 is articulating? Share this experience with your discipleship group.
- Consider how the early church operated, how they considered one another family, how they cared for one another. How might you do this in your own missional communities? Is there any one you know of who might be in a difficult situation? What can you do this week to assist in relieving their burden?
- If outsiders had the ability to see how you live your life as a Christian, what sort of adjectives would they use to describe you? As you go through this hypothetical exercise, where are some areas where you might need to repent?
other sermons in this series
Sep 3
To Be Continued
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Aug 27
Riots in Ephesus
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Aug 20
Conflict in Corinth
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