Reconciliation in the Kingdom
Series: His Story, Our Story Topic: Exposition Passage: Acts 10:1–48
The Story
Now What?
Discipleship Group Questions
- Read aloud the texts from Sunday (Acts 10).What do you remember most from the teaching?
- What is it that hinders or narrows your view of the Gospel? More specifically, what rules do you have that prevent you from having relationships with people who are unlike you?
- When you read the story, do you see yourself more as Peter or Cornelius? Why?
- Talk within your group about ways you’ve seen each other be like Peter, speaking the truth of the Gospel into other’s lives. Then how have you seen each other be like Cornelius, seeking other’s input on your life and how Jesus is a part of it.
- In what ways does your life - think especially of the relationships you pursue and cultivate versus those you avoid - either denie or thwart God's global work of reconciliation? .
- Who are your friends? Who sits down at your dinner table? What are some practical steps you can take to expand your view of the gospel to be more inclusive?
other sermons in this series
Sep 3
To Be Continued
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Acts 20–28 Series: His Story, Our Story
Aug 27
Riots in Ephesus
Passage: Acts 19:1–41 Series: His Story, Our Story
Aug 20
Conflict in Corinth
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Acts 18:1–17 Series: His Story, Our Story