Luke 6:43-49: Authentic Discipleship
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Luke: Encountering Jesus, Discipleship Topic: Exposition Passage: Luke 6:43–49
Luke 6:43-49: Authentic Discipleship
Roots: Genuine Fruitfulness and Sustained Growth (vv. 43-45)
Foundations: Digging Deep and Building Well (vv. 46-49)
Discipleship Guide & Reflection Questions
Week 4
This week, we consider what lies beneath the surface of our lives. As we look at Jesus’ ministry, we see how he constantly met people and engaged their deepest need. While he healed the sick, and fed the multitudes, he reminded people that their deepest need could only be met by a relationship with him through faith. Take time this week to consider: what is your deepest need? How is Jesus seeking to meet you in that need this week? Spend some extra time to still your soul and hear from the Lord.
Day 1- Read John 6:25-34
- How does Jesus speak to the deeper need of the people in the crowd?
- How might Jesus be speaking to you through this text?
Day 2- Read Luke 5:27-32
- Jesus came to heal the sick- those who knew their need for a Savior. How does this truth encourage you to be honest with God about your sin?
- Spend time confessing your sin before God, knowing he forgives you (1 John 1:9).
Day 3- Read Psalm 23
- What word or phrase stands out to you in this passage?
- What is it about that phrase or word that speaks to you today and express that to God.
Day 4- Read John 9:30-38
- This man’s belief in Jesus moved him to worship. Jesus’ kindness and compassion moved him to belief.
- Take some time to consider, what do you need from Jesus today? Ask him to meet you.
Day 5- Read Luke 24:13-35
- Jesus is the promised, risen King. He is now seated on the throne in heaven, and every knee will one day bow in worship to Him (Phil 2:9-11).
- Jesus spent time teaching these people as they walked together. Consider how Jesus walks with you. Spend some time in worship and thanksgiving today.
other sermons in this series
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