Luke 18:18-27, 19:1-10: “Then Who Can Be Saved?”
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Luke: Encountering Jesus, Discipleship Topic: Exposition Passage: Luke 18:18–27, Luke 19:1–10
Luke 18:18-27, 19:1-10: “Then Who Can Be Saved?”
The Danger of Riches
“Then Who Can Be Saved?”: The Ruler and Zacchaeus
Discipleship Guide & Reflection Questions
Week 8
This week we are building a Rule of Life. We will look back on our Spring Discipleship Course and consider what skills we can incorporate regularly into our lives. We have considered how to love one another in truth and with love, we have been challenged to change the ways in which we check-in with one another, listen to one another, and enter into conflict with one another all while considering how our own stories impact our relationships. We have looked at how the truth and wisdom of Scripture helps shape what it means to walk as Christians in the world. We believe that as we walk in faith to practice these skills, our relationships will be changed. This week we will consider the call to love one another.
Day 1- Read Galatians 5:13-15
- In Christ, we are made free from the bondage of sin. How does this passage relate freedom and love?
Day 2- Read Ephesians 4:25-27
- Are there any relationships in your life where you struggle to “speak truth”? Or where you struggle with anger?
- Bring that before God in prayer.
Day 3- Read Psalm 145:1-9
- What word or phrase stands out to you?
- Express to God why that is.
Day 4- Read 1 Peter 4:7-11
- God gives people gifts in order that they might serve one another. Part of our stewardship is using these gifts to bless others.
- What is one way you can intentionally bless others this week?
Day 5- Read 1 John 4:7-12
- We love others because God first demonstrated his love for us. This love is demonstrated climatically by Christ on the cross.
- How does the sacrificial love of Jesus challenge you? Spend some time in worship, thanking God for the gift of his Son.
other sermons in this series
May 12
Joy and Generosity in Mission: “God Will Provide”
Speaker: James Fields Passage: Genesis 22:1–18 Series: Luke: Encountering Jesus, Discipleship
May 5
Luke 22:24-30: Kingdom Greatness
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Luke 22:24–30 Series: Luke: Encountering Jesus, Discipleship
Apr 21
Luke 24:13-35: The Meaning of The Resurrection
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Luke 24:13–35 Series: Luke: Encountering Jesus, Discipleship