Luke 23:44-56 - Jesus, Author of Life
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Luke: The Identity of Jesus Topic: Exposition Passage: Luke 23:44–56
Luke 23:44-56 — Jesus, Author of Life
De-Creation / New Creation (?)
Our Response to the Cross
Launching Questions
- Reread the text from Sunday (Luke 23:44-56). What stood out most to you as you heard this passage read aloud? What do you remember most from the teaching on Sunday?
- If someone asked you: “so why did Jesus have to die?” how would you answer?
- Read Philippians 2:1-11 aloud together. Now consider two things: 1) how does Paul specifically call us to apply the example of Jesus to our lives together and 2) how does Paul specifically suggest that Jesus provides us the power to fulfill that call. Spend a bulk of your time with this text and these two questions.
- Consider areas of your life where you are currently experiencing a sense of guilt. Name those to one another and discuss why is it so hard to believe the cross applies to that specific area of sin and struggle in your life. Then go to Jesus and confess those things. Finally, pray over one another that you’d each be able to receive Jesus’ forgiveness in a new way this week.
other sermons in this series
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Sep 1
Luke 24:36-43 - Jesus, Resurrected King
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Aug 18
Luke 23:32-43 - Jesus, Crucified King
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