Luke 24:36-43 - Jesus, Resurrected King
Speaker: Jalen Baker Series: Luke: The Identity of Jesus Topic: Exposition Passage: Luke 24:36–43
Luke 24:36-43 - Jesus, Resurrected King
Failure to Remember
God Can, God Has, and, Therefore, God Will
Jesus' Response to Our Disbelief
Launching Questions
- Reread the text from Sunday (Luke 24:36-43). What stood out most to you as you heard this passage read aloud? What do you remember most from the teaching on Sunday?
- If someone asked you: “what’s so significant about the resurrection” how would you respond?
- Read 1 Corinthians 15:50-58. Trace Paul’s logic here for the significance of the resurrection. Why do you think Paul lands this overview of the resurrection with his encouragement in v. 58? What is the relationship between the resurrection and our labor “in the Lord”?
- In what areas of your life are you most tempted to doubt the goodness and provision of God in your life? Be honest and specific in your answers. End your time by praying for one another in these areas of doubt. Pray that God would make Himself known to each of you.
other sermons in this series
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Luke 24:44-53 - Jesus, Ascended King
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Aug 25
Luke 23:44-56 - Jesus, Author of Life
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Aug 18
Luke 23:32-43 - Jesus, Crucified King
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