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After the soldiers mockingly hailed Jesus as king, they “spit on him and took the reed and struck him on the head.

There is an unusual event that transpires over the course of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion.

This week is simple. Who is that person in your life that you are dangling forgiveness and mercy in front of?

Jesus’ trial before Pilate shows us something about Jesus that is immensely important for us as his followers.

The idea of a trial and courtroom conjures up images of justice and fairness.

We have spent the week considering the theme of betrayal as it is laid out through Judas’ betrayal of Jesus and Pharaoh’s betrayal of Israel.

Jesus’ betrayal enters into the Gospel narrative during a meal.

Jesus was betrayed by one of his closest friends.

Christians throughout church history have found ways to identify themselves with the sufferings of the Christ. Roman Catholics meditate upon the Stations of the Cross, while other Christian traditions practice self-denial, whether that is through a rhythm of fasting or by giving up a specific item during the Lenten season.