Feb 7
The staff will be posting reflections every Friday throughout the Lenten season. On Good Friday, Pastor Scott Jones shares the significance of Jesus bearing our shame on the cross.
Keep ReadingThe staff will be posting reflections every Friday throughout the Lenten season. This week, Morgan Rudanovic shares her own story and challenges us to consider what generosity looks like in our lives.
Keep ReadingThe staff will be posting reflections every Friday throughout the Lenten season. This week, Jonathan Sgalambro discusses what it means to "do justice" and how we might demonstrate the love of God to a world in need.
Keep ReadingThe staff will be posting reflections every Friday throughout the Lenten season. Michael Bond continues our series by exhorting us to enter into one another's stories as we follow the example of Jesus.
Keep ReadingThe staff will be posting reflections every Friday throughout the Lenten season. Dave Lawrence continues our series by challenging us to look to Jesus and be thoughtfully engaged with those around us.
Keep ReadingThe staff will be posting reflections every Friday throughout the Lenten season. Jelani Walker continues our series by sharing what it has looked like for his identity to be anchored in the Gospel.
Keep ReadingThe staff will be posting reflections every Friday throughout the Lenten season. Rachel Suarez begins our series by sharing an introduction to Lent.
Keep ReadingSonya Coords shares their experience of being foster parents and how we’ve seen God through this journey.
Keep ReadingThoughts from Pastor Mark Twombly on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.
Keep ReadingRushina Patel shares her experience in learning how to live life in community with open doors and a heart of deep joy.
Keep ReadingAs we head into a new year as a church, hear from our WellThought Coordinator on what to discipleship groups mean to her.
Keep ReadingDave Lawrence writes a Psalm of lament, and even through sorrow, our God is near.
Keep ReadingFrank Slingerland, one of our musicians, writes about the power, relevance and comfort of the Psalms in his own life and in the life of the church.
Keep ReadingThe Psalms have been referred to as the hymnbook of God’s people. They are a collection of songs written from the hearts of those who have walked with God through trials, joy, suffering, victory and pain.
Keep ReadingOnce we were sinners, but just as Jesus was raised from the dead, we too have been resurrected, and now the person that marches through the world day by day is a new creation
Keep ReadingWhen we come across our own sins, how do we react? Is there sorrow? If so, what kind? In this post Jacob's Well member Leah Riehl interacts with two types of sorrow reflected in 2 Corinthians 7:10
Keep ReadingIn week 3 of advent, we looked at freedom and sought liberty for those in captivity or bondage. This prayer was written and read by our host for the morning.
Keep ReadingSin rises out of context so we should consider viewing others as sinned against, not just sinners.
Keep ReadingOur new series at Jacob's Well will explore our core identities. Find out more
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