During the long travails of human history there has been an ongoing battle between the dominion of darkness and the Kingdom of God. The human race, fallen from its created purpose, and in perpetual rebellion against our creator has constantly seen life as war and struggle. Into the brokenness of God’s creation he promises redemption, initiates a relationship with his people and he calls them to faithfulness in his eternal purposes. Yet we trust in our own devices and desires and we seek identity, joy, peace and deliverance from a world of earth bound warriors, political power and kings.
Long ago God’s people were delivered from Egypt into the land of God’s promise and called to live as a distinct people among a swarm of warring and idolatrous tribes. God’s people were to be a distinct and holy people not giving way to the corruption around them. They were called to secure a victory that would permit peace, human flourishing and the redemptive work of God to advance in creation.
Enter the time of the judges; the dark and chaotic age before the Kings of Israel. This summer we will look together at the narrative of God’s people who are called to faithfulness but find themselves foolishing turning from God wandering into the subjection and oppression of men. Where their victories and faithfulness was not constant or final we see the constancy of the faithful victories of God in providing a Savior for all.
Aug 30
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Judges 21:1–25 Series: Judges: Partial Victories & the Faithfulness of God
Aug 23
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Judges 20 Series: Judges: Partial Victories & the Faithfulness of God
Aug 16
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Judges 19 Series: Judges: Partial Victories & the Faithfulness of God
Aug 9
Speaker: Dean Macke Passage: Judges 18 Series: Judges: Partial Victories & the Faithfulness of God
Aug 2
Speaker: Mark Twombly Passage: Judges 17 Series: Judges: Partial Victories & the Faithfulness of God
Jul 26
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Judges 16 Series: Judges: Partial Victories & the Faithfulness of God
Jul 19
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Judges 13–15 Series: Judges: Partial Victories & the Faithfulness of God
Jul 12
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Judges 10:1–11:40 Series: Judges: Partial Victories & the Faithfulness of God
Jul 5
Speaker: Dean Macke Passage: Judges 8:29–9:57 Series: Judges: Partial Victories & the Faithfulness of God
May 31
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Judges 6–7 Series: Judges: Partial Victories & the Faithfulness of God
May 24
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Judges 4–5 Series: Judges: Partial Victories & the Faithfulness of God
May 17
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Judges 3 Series: Judges: Partial Victories & the Faithfulness of God
May 10
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Judges 2:6–2:23 Series: Judges: Partial Victories & the Faithfulness of God
May 3
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Judges 1:1–2:5 Series: Judges: Partial Victories & the Faithfulness of God